A line drawing of a pregnant woman with a heart on her belly.


Looking for a unique birth experience? This is the place to find it. Our team of doulas really know their stuff, and care deeply about your birth goals. We help to facilitate a calm, relaxing, and memorable birth. 

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Our birth doula services begin with the ability to meet with and develop a relationship with the mother and father, where they can ask questions, express feelings and fears, and create a birth plan.


Birth Babes is a natural birth advocate. We utilize "The Bradley Method®" to educate you about husbands/fathers as coaches, prenatal exercise and nutrition, relaxation during labor, creating your birth plan (preferences), and more!  Our standard course consists of 12 weekly classes covering 12 primary topics. (online or hybrid). 


After birth, we spend time helping the mother and baby begin their breastfeeding journey by encouraging bonding and a successful latch. 


Besides offering nutritious meal choices, we also provide essential supplementation necessary for mom and baby during and after pregnancy. Our products contain quality, scientifically proven ingredients that your body needs for optimal health, providing both rapid delivery and superior results. Birth Babes has you and your little one covered with exclusive quality supplementation.


Know what to buy, how to prepare the cloth diapers before use, cleaning procedures for soiled diapers, stripping procedures for stained diapers, organization and scheduling techniques, proper fitting, and diapering guides.


Babywearing promotes bonding, increases breastfeeding success, and has significant physiological and psychological benefits for both baby and wearer. We will introduce the 5 most common baby carriers and will include hands-on practice with at least three of them. 


Have our photographers capture your memories while you focus on yourself and your new arrival!


Maternity henna is a way to commemorate and highlight the beautiful changes in both the expectant mother’s body and life. 


Designed to support mommy-to-be throughout her pregnancy. Extra care is given to those areas under the most stress as well as special attention to position and comfort. Special side-lying positioning is used so mommies can be as comfortable as possible while keeping baby safe.


Babies love to be touched, so it just makes sense that a structured way to touch infants, that fulfills their deepest needs for affection and love, should develop and be passed on from generation to generation in many areas of the world. Benefits of infant massage can include a more relaxed baby (less fussy), reduction in constipation or gas, bonding between parents and child, stress reduction for parents,  decrease in postpartum blues and depression, more consistent sleep patterns, and a more robust immune system. 


Our birth doula services begin with the ability to meet with and develop a relationship with the mother and father, where they can ask questions, express feelings and fears, and create a birth plan.


Birth Babes is a natural birth advocate. We utilize "The Bradley Method®" to educate you about husbands/fathers as coaches, prenatal exercise and nutrition, relaxation during labor, creating your birth plan (preferences), and more!  Our standard course consists of 12 weekly classes covering 12 primary topics. (online or hybrid). 


After birth, we spend time helping the mother and baby begin their breastfeeding journey by encouraging bonding and a successful latch. 


Besides offering nutritious meal choices, we also provide essential supplementation necessary for mom and baby during and after pregnancy. Our products contain quality, scientifically proven ingredients that your body needs for optimal health, providing both rapid delivery and superior results. Birth Babes has you and your little one covered with exclusive quality supplementation.


Know what to buy, how to prepare the cloth diapers before use, cleaning procedures for soiled diapers, stripping procedures for stained diapers, organization and scheduling techniques, proper fitting, and diapering guides.


Babywearing promotes bonding, increases breastfeeding success, and has significant physiological and psychological benefits for both baby and wearer. We will introduce the 5 most common baby carriers and will include hands-on practice with at least 3 of them. 


Have our photographers capture your memories while you focus on yourself and your new arrival!


Maternity henna is a way to commemorate and highlight the beautiful changes in both the expectant mother’s body and life. 

Don't Miss Out On The Birth Experience Of Your Dreams...

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